The Strongest King - Prove Your Power!

The PvP system offers players the opportunity to compete against each other on a specific map.

How to earn RODT in PvP?

The PvP king system is a custom feature that opens daily basis at the following times.

Event Time (Local Time)Rewards (RODT)

06:00 to 07:00

240 per minute

12:00 to 13:00

240 per minute

17:00 to 18:00

240 per minute

23:00 to 24:00

240 per minute

The PvP King System will be closed on the day of the WoE event.

The player who wins the first place in the PVP map the ranking will appear in the lower right corner with a timer at the top of the screen, and will receive 240 RODT per minute during the event time mentioned above.

Players must stay in the first place as much as possible, if you only last 12:50 seconds, you will only get rewards for 12 minutes which is 2,880 RODT.

Last updated