How to register and verify my account

Register and verify your account in 5 min and you will get the chance to win $32,400!!

Register account

In ROGF, registering an account can be done on the website. Click the Register button, you will be asked to choose a username and a password, and your email address. Make sure you remember the email address because it acts as a unique code for character deletion. You are also required to choose a gender, which will be the assigned gender of your account. Don't worry, you are able to select your character's gender during character creation.

The country selection is only for us to better arrange the server's setting.

Click Submit, and congrats that you have completed the registration, now you can start to play the game.

If you would like to enjoy the Play to Earn content, you will need to verify your account.

Account Verification

Be sure that you have the Classic NFT in your wallet before you start your verification. You are required to have our NFT when you verify your account, each NFT can only verify for one account, you can mint the NFT on this page.

Log in on the website and click "Verify", the system will ask to access to your wallet to verify if you have our Classic NFT in your wallet, after the verification the NFT will be remarked and cannot be transferred, you will see the Classic NFT you have selected to verify in your dashboard and you will be able to play the game by logging in through the game client.

And we have all done, let enjoy the game with P2E now!

The lottery will be automatically participated. If you win the prize, the prize will be sent to the address which holds the Classic NFT after the event ends.

Please note: Each NFT can only verify for one account, the Classic NFT will become non-transferrable once it is registered for an account. DO NOT buy a wallet from any person you don't know who claims that the wallet has Classic NFT, just ask the seller to transfer the Classic NFT to your wallet or just mint it yourself on our website.

Last updated