How to register account for Closed Beta Test

CBT Game Download password: rogf How to register Closed Beta Account:

Please note: the account you have register on our official website is for Open Beta Test, and now it's CBT.

When you first register your username type your username with _M and then your password in the password box. After that, every time when you login you don't need to use _M anymore.


First time you login for registration a CBT account

ID: rogamefi_M Password: xxxxxx

Start from the second time you only need to type:

ID: rogamefi

Password: xxxxxx

After you login, you can create your character (you can select the sex of the character).

After you logging into your character you will first appear in the novice training area, kill 10 poring to complete the quest and you can transfer to Prontera and you can start your Ragnarok GameFi Journey, more NPC will be added gradually.

The content of the game will be updated and launched gradually. Players can provide suggestions on Discord-submit suggestion. We hope to collect more players' suggestions. If your suggestions are not accepted in the end, please don't mind. Your suggestions are great, but they may not be suitable for us now.

Available Command: @autoloot, @mi, @ii

Last updated